Processing and Packing

Our company has a simple and useful method of packing dry plums, by preserving its special taste and all nutritive substances.


All the packages are adjusted to daily usage, wherever you need to taste an accessible and healthy product.


Dry plums of our company are not a usual product of dry fruits. They are prepared only from home plums that have a unique taste and are harvested manually.

High quality dry plums are pulpy, have sparkling black colour and a soft sour taste.

It is impossible to resist eating dry plums. They contain a few anti-oxidizing components important for the human body. Dry plums are good because of the high amount of Potassium, fibers and Ka vitamins. Sometimes, iron and Magnesium are present in plums.

Dry plums are considered to be some of the best and qualitative dry fruits. Dried and dehydrated fruits contain more nutrients necessary to the human body than fresh plums…

Composition and Properties

Dried plums preserve all the curative properties that are also contained in fresh plums such as Calcium Potassium, Sodium, magnesium phosphorus, iron; A, C, B1, B2, P vitamins, pectin, tannic acid and nitrate substances. This wonderful product contains 9-17% sugar-fructose, glucose, sucrose, as well as organic acids – apple acid, citric, oxalic and salicylic in a lower quantity.

Due to the high consistency of iron, dry plums are recommended in case of anemia and avitaminosis. This dry fruit is very useful for the gastrointestinal tract (including in case of overweight, constipation and heartburn, kidney disorders, liver problems, rheumatism and atherosclerosis. It also regularizes blood pressure, improves sight and strengthens bones.

Dry fruits also possess antibacterial properties, remove toxins and waste from the human body. Dried plums also have an antidepressant role, energizing qualities, increase the vivacity of the body and help improve performance and mood.

Moreover, dried and dehydrated plums with pits have a high content of useful substances.

Facts about Plums

Notes from the old culinary treaties prove that dry plums are an excellent remedy for preserving meat. This hypothesis is also confirmed by the most recent experiments demonstrating that plums have a strong antibacterial effect and namely they decrease the development of staphylococci, salmonella and E coli.

From 1 kg (2,2 pounds) of fresh plums about 200-220 grams (0,44 pounds) of dried plums can be obtained.

They contribute to the rejuvenation of the body and internal organs.

Plums contain 1.5 times more potassium than bananas.


In our gallery, you can follow the plum harvesting, sorting, drying and packing process.


Our 20-year experience is at your disposal.

Plum drying and dehydration

The plum drying process is one of the oldest food storage and preservation technologies.

Contact Us

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You can visit us at:

MD-6401, Nisporeni district,

Nisporeni town,

Industriala Street

Working hours

Monday-Friday: 08.00-17.00

Saturday: 08.00-15.00